Thermally toughened glass that is largely resistant to mechanical and thermal impact and shows the normatively mandated breaking behaviour.

ertex ESG is manufactured including a factory production control as per harmonised product standard ÖNORM EN 12150, parts 1 and 2. The safety glass product demonstrably meets the characteristics laid down in the European Construction Products Regulation, and is sold with CE label.

Fields of Use

  • Ground-level glazing or glazing close to walkways and transit areas
  • Applications in which thermal stress can be expected
  • Semi-finished product for laminated safety glass
  • Base product for all kinds of point-mounted glass systems
  • Vertically arranged special constructions with required drill holes, milling, etc. Design products with surfaces with glass ceramic finish All-glass applications and all-glass door installations


Glass thicknesses:

3 mm to 19 mm

Production sizes:

3 mm min. 400 x 150 mm
4 to 19 mm min. 250 x 150 mm
Depending on glass thickness, max. 6000 x 3000 mm

Aspect ratio:

max. 1:20

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